Saturday, March 5, 2011

Down in New Orleans

Luke, Elicia, and I went down to New Orleans to stay with former WWOOFer Daniel for a few days.  First, we sat by the Mississippi, drinking beer and watching this Great Dane run back and forth along the shore with its owner.

Later, we were back at Daniel's house, drinking wine and discussing farming, philosophy, and finally, journaling.  Daniel remembered waking up one morning after some night of crazed incoherence and finding this written in his (wet) journal. 

We had a beautiful night out on the town, listening to jazz, bluegrass, blues, big band jazz, zydeco, and everything in between.  We ended the night playing tag in one of the city parks with some random crust punk named David - base was a frozen strawberry Daquiri.  I fell head-over-heels for New Orleans that night, and there are many more adventures to come...