Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We should sell it on eBay

Today was the second day of the workweek at Camp Unirondack.  (Of course, I left on the third day, so I feel a little silly numbering the days as “one” and “two”, as I didn’t really work all that much, compared to the valiant Unirondack staff who stayed and did days “three, four, five, and six.”  Anyway, just thought I’d put that out there for the record.)

I volunteered Fergie, Ellie, and myself to make dinner that night.  I had originally been planning on doing some sort of southern meal, being from the south and all; but as I was thinking of what we could make, I realized that I didn’t really know what southern food was.  I suppose I could liken the epiphany to realizing that one *does*, in fact, have an accent.  Anyhooness, I settled on a few things normally served at potluck family gatherings.  On top of that, a few sides were decided on at the last minute.  In the end, we had a regular old REAL southern meal - a thrown together bunch of food that shouldn’t all go together, but somehow does anyway.

For desert, Ellie made two blueberry cobblers.  Lo and behold, she pulled the second one out of the oven and we were amazed to see that the middle had formed into a blob that resembled none other than our country ‘tis of thee sweet land of liberty… the USA.  It was the event of the event, and I am pretty sure dessert was that much tastier.  

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No Longer a Teenager

Today was my 20th birthday.

I am working at a summer camp in the Adirondacks.  Today we led an excursion to Whittaker Park.  Three of us all had the same idea - bring our ukes!  Mine is on the left, Lahna’s is in the middle, and Yaz’s is on the right.  It was a fine day at the park; a little on the overcast side, but still quite enjoyable.  We also went out to Stillwater for dinner; the sunset pulled at my heart and the night air cleansed my spirit.

No more being a teenager anymore!  Time to get straight.  Now, to go play some more ukulele…